I've been thinking a lot about my grandma these last few nights since Friday night was the anniversary of her death. She lived to a ripe old age of 97. She was feisty, fantastic, and I loved her dearly.
My Great Grandma Nancy Ellen Elizabeth Owen Georgel (wow, so many names) was born in 1901 in a small midwestern town where she was the eldest of 7 daughters. The same small town where her family had lived for generations. It was a very different world, an extremely different world. When she was born :
- there were few cars. The Ford Model T wasn't mass produced until 1908.
- there were no passenger planes. The first demonstration flight occurred in 1914.
- there was no phone in her house. Most households didn't have phones until after 1907.
- there was no penicillin. Its antibiotic properties weren't recognized until 1928 and it wasn't commercially available until 1938.
- the Civil War was a recent memory to her elders. It had just ended on May 13, 1865.
- World War I hadn't happened yet. It lasted from July 28,1914 - November 11, 1918.
- the Great Depression wouldn't come until 1929.
- World War II was a far off conflict that wouldn't start until September 1, 1939.
She also:
- buried three of her four adult children before she died.
- lived to have great great grandchildren.
- traveled the US picking fruit and veggies off and on from age 57-62.
- watched her great granddaughter graduate from college, something she wasn't able to do because of family beliefs and circumstances.
I am so thankful you are writing this blog. I loved reading about your great-grandma.